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Scaling up, staying safe: tech tips for venture-backed startups

Two LeftBrainers having a chat, sat at their laptops.

A huge congratulations if your startup or small business has just secured venture capital funding. As we've seen with various clients over the years, this is a significant milestone in your journey of business expansion. As you embark on this exciting new phase, here are some top tips on how to cultivate innovation and agility in your business whilst ensuring the resilience of your infrastructure and security systems.

Mindful budgeting

While venture capital funding provides a significant injection of funds, it is of course important to approach spending with caution; every pound spent should contribute to your company's growth trajectory. Investing in the right technology infrastructure, including workplace tech and security solutions, is a smart long-term investment that can protect your assets and enable scalability.

Early adoption of systems and services

In the early days, it's easy to get swept up in the momentum of growth without paying sufficient attention to the underlying infrastructure that supports it. Implementing robust security systems and services early on lays the foundation for future growth, streamlining operations and positioning your business for certifications and compliance further down the line. LeftBrain's expertise in building and customising systems can ensure that your business is well-prepared for future certifications, such as Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001. Have a read of our Super Payments client story to find out more.

“We were impressed by how LeftBrain put forward toolsets and controls that aligned with our budget and could be rolled out quickly and efficiently”
- Carl Pearse (Chief Technology Officer, Super Payments)
Balancing creativity and cyber security

In the fast-paced world of startups, creativity and agility are essential for innovation and competitiveness. However, this should not come at the expense of security. LeftBrain’s solutions strike the perfect balance, enabling your team to be creative whilst safeguarding your assets and data from potential threats. Read more about how we built secure, flexible technology that enables creativity for Stranger & Stranger.

Scalability and cost-effectiveness

As your business grows, so do your technology needs. LeftBrain offers scalable solutions that grow with your business, providing a complete team as a service. Instead of hiring individual IT, systems engineers, and security personnel, you can access a diverse range of skills and expertise at a per-user cost, optimising your resources for maximum efficiency. Here’s how we did it for Forpeople.

"Working with LeftBrain keeps our network and data secure and saves us money in the long run, helping us to best serve and protect the intellectual property and trade secrets of our clients."
- Cheryl R. Blain (Chief Operating Officer, Stranger & Stranger)

If you have secured venture capital funding and want to ensure your business is equipped with the right technology infrastructure to support growth and safeguard against cyber attack, get in touch.

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