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Bespoke Network as a Service (NaaS) build for carbon-neutral laundry Oxwash

Dustin our Head of Business Development chatting with Oxwash staff in their offices

“Our partnership with LeftBrain is crucial”, exclaims Richard Grew, Head of Projects and Operational Excellence at Oxwash. We’re onsite carrying out a Network as a Service (NaaS) project at their flagship facility, Big Blue in Swindon, which is the world’s first industrial-sized, carbon-neutral laundry and wet cleaning facility.

“Oxwash is a game-changer in the industrial laundry industry. Our in-house software team, proprietary platform, and custom tools provide comprehensive tracking of laundry throughout every stage of the process. This seamless integration facilitates efficient data collection, ensures effective communication across all systems, and empowers our operations team to make quick, informed decisions on the floor.”

“This is where LeftBrain comes in” continues Richard. “They are the mesh of connectivity between all our devices, and ultimately the solution that gives us access to all this critical data that will lead to us making environmentally conscious decisions, and allow us to feed critical information back to our team and our customers”.

Pioneering through innovation and cutting-edge technology

Oxwash has spearheaded innovation in the laundry industry, utilising cutting-edge technology to transform the sector, focussing on clients in healthcare and hospitality. Covering an area of 20,000 square feet, their facility is fully powered and heated by renewable energy and biogas.

Richard continues: “Laundry is one of the oldest industries and is traditionally very carbon intensive. Oxwash has set about changing this, finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint across the entire supply chain. Whether that’s using our fleet of electric vans for stock delivery, using heat recovery systems to reuse heat coming from our irons to heat water in the washing process, using Ozone laundry systems that enable colder water washes, or using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to track stock and extend the lifespan of linen.”

A bespoke Network as a Service (NaaS) solution

LeftBrain is here to provide full site coverage of Wi-Fi and network connectivity for Oxwash’s Big Blue facility, which is no ordinary NaaS project. “The office setup is quite normal”, explains Dustin Rhodes, Head of Business Development at LeftBrain. “However, the production floor is very different. There are lots of obstacles to circumvent: metal objects and hanging devices. So, designing this network was quite challenging and took a bit of time, but I am certain it will be a success.”

"Our partnership with LeftBrain is crucial. They are the mesh of connectivity between all our devices, and ultimately the solution that gives us access to all this critical data that will lead to us making environmentally conscious decisions.”

Richard Grew
Head of Projects and Operational Excellence, Oxwash

LeftBrain’s perfect client: high-tech, B Corp™️ and sustainable

Dustin has been onsite several times, and has got to know the team well. “Oxwash is our perfect client. They use cutting-edge technology, carbon-neutral processes and on top of that they are a B Corp™️, which LeftBrain is aspiring to become. The team is always coming up with new and better ways to tackle laundry in a sustainable way, which is what we all want.”

“It is always a pleasure to come onsite: from the first time I visited Oxwash, through to seeing them today. It’s amazing to see the technology they are using, their facilities, and the whole system coming together. Along with our NaaS project, which will allow the production users to connect with their devices without disruption to deliver the service and move the laundry along. It’s pretty cool to be able to do this with them”.

Richard Grew
Head of Projects and Operational Excellence, Oxwash

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